Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Official!

Nancy and I got a phone call last night from the director of missions at our home church. We are now official missionaries of Foothills Bible Church. That feels really good. If the church that knows you best couldn't endorse you, who would?

Yesterday we drove all over Eastern Shore Virginia on back roads just exploring with our friends who have moved out here. Until this week, I didn't even know that there was a strip of land east of the Chesapeake Bay that was part of Virginia. I thought all that was Maryland. Shows how little I know! The highlight of the drive was crossing the combined 17 miles of bridge and tunnel across the mouth of the Chesapeake. Actually that was the highlight until Nancy spotted a mature bald eagle perched in the top of a bare tree near a quiet road. The bird was thoughtful enough to wait while Nancy got out and got her camera all set up. And after he had given her several good poses, he took flight and flew right over her as though he wanted her to get him at his best angle. Great fun!

Tomorrow we drive about 350 miles across North Carolina from northeast to southwest. There at the JAARS Center, Barnabas International will host the Pastors to Missionaries conference this week. And I will look up a few old friends from my days with Wycliffe. Then we will be heading back west.

Today I wrote my annual short story for Christmas. It continues the tradition of historical fiction that I began four Christmases back. This year's installment is entitled Fifth Birthday.

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