Friday, November 7, 2008

Missions Committee

This week we had our interview with the missions committee of our home church, Foothills Bible Church, as part of the process of applying to be official FBC missionaries. FBC is more thorough than many churches in making sure that the people they send out are healthy spiritually and qualified in every way to represent FBC and to serve effectively on the mission field. Since some of the committee members didn't know us very well, they asked a lot of questions, some of which went pretty deep.

For example, one person asked, "When you two fight, who wins?" In response, Nancy challenged the underlying assumption that one or the other must win. (In the two and a half years that we have been married, it has been our experience that conflict leads us to reconciliation and a deeper understanding of each other. That way, we win as a couple. The desired outcome when a married couple "fights" would be for the couple to win and for the Lord to be glorified.) That seemed like a pretty winsome answer to me!

Another person asked us, "If Satan were to stop you, how would he go about it?" I answered that he has already thrown so much at us and we just keep wanting to serve; I don't know what more he could do that would actually get us to stop. Life without serving in some way, whether here or abroad, is so mundane it doesn't hold any draw for us.

Now that the missions committee is behind us, (and they are!) the final step in our application is for the committee's recommendation to be brought before the elder board for their approval. We are very excited as we approach their momentous decision. Hopefully by the end of November we will know their decision and will announce it here in this blog, whether yea or nay!

We are already missionaries and staff members of Barnabas International. But having the church that knows us best proclaim us as their own missionaries, would be very affirming and would contribute significantly to our credibility with others.


Bethany Jacob said...

Hello Dr. Todd and Mr. Todd! :) I am Bethany Ingebretson, Dr. Todd's student from 1st and 2nd language acquisition. I love reading blogs so when Dr. T posted about this one on blackboard, I checked it out immediately! :)

I love the paragraph about couples fighting -- a great way to look at it. :P I'll keep that in mind!


Lisa said...

Actually, that's Dr. and Dr. Todd, n'est pas? Welcome to Blogspot. Gotcha in my Google Reader, so I can see your new posts right away.

Agreed -- there's no better place to be a missionary than FBC. Maybe I'll be home for your commissioning, which I will love to witness. Praying for you while you do ministry this month. Toodles.

n said...

Thanks so much for joining us on our journey, Bethany! We're glad you're aboard! Dr. T

n said...

Hey, Lisa Pizza. We're really glad you're still out there. We sure do miss you! I know that God is using you in a mighty way, but we can't wait till you get back to hear all. Praying for you, sis! Hugs, FN