Monday, June 1, 2009

Fund-Raising in THIS Economy?

Don't cry for us, Argentina! It's not like someone pulled a dirty trick on us. This is God's perfect timing for what He has called us to do. He is not having an economic crisis, even if the whole world is. He is adjusting many people's priorities through these events, but He is still God and is still on the throne.

We are thoroughly enjoying the opportunity we have to connect with many believers, get better acquainted, and share about our ministry with Barnanbas International. We have been incredibly blessed to have some families be led to join our team of monthly supporters. Additionally, several families have been led to make a lump sum gift in finanacial support of our mission and efforts with Barnabas. While others may not be able to give financially at this time, everyone has pledged to pray and hold this ministry up to our Heavenly Father. The fellowship has been great and the process has been one of mutual encouragement.

We are currently at about 21% of our goal and believe that the Lord will bring us all the way to 100% in His own good timing. In the meantime, we are planning our first ministry trip to Taiwan and China and having some great times serving our Father by training and encouraging His missionaries in the Far East.

We would love to get together with you and catch up on how the Holy Sprirt is working in your life. Please give us a call (303-944-3223) or shoot us an e-mail ( While the windows of opportunity are getting a bit tight (we will be traveling toward the end of June, and we fly for Asia on July 30) we would welcome a vist with you in the next few weeks.

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