Friday, June 19, 2009

More than One Way to Support Missions

Last Sunday good friends of ours hosted a dessert for us so that we could present our ministry to some mutual friends. We had a good time catching up with those who came and they seemed to really appreciate the presentation of our ministry to those on the front lines. But when we came to the end, someone pointed out that everyone there was living pretty much day-to-day and no one was in a position to make a financial commitment to support our ministry.

But one couple became very passionate about having us present this ministry to their house-church. “This is exactly the kind of thing our house-church needs to get connected to,” they said. “Because we are not connected to a denomination, it is difficult for our little group to find a way to be involved with what God is doing out there on the difficult mission fields. But you offer us a very personal connection to some of the exciting things that God is doing out there.”

Their group meets on a weeknight and when they learned that we were about to go out of town, they really wanted us to come present the ministry to their house group this week. As it turned out, the only night we had an opening this week was the night that they meet. So we got to go and meet the young families and singles that make up this house-church.

They really caught the vision and are praying that the Lord will lead them as they prayerfully decide how much they can put together and commit to give. Rather than give separately, they want to pool their giving so that they, as a church, can make a bigger impact and have a sense of ownership in this work.

So the couple who first saw the presentation and felt bad that they were under employed and had little cash to offer, found another way to bless us. They rallied others to come together and join our team as a group.

Why couldn’t you do the same? Maybe you aren’t in a position to make a sizeable commitment in terms of dollars, but you know people! You might influence your Bible study or your Sunday School class or your fellowship group to invite us to present our ministry. We have some openings in our schedule in July before we leave for Asia. This might be the way you could most help us at this point.

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